Tag Archives: liability

Determining Negligence for Auto Accidents

san jose car accident lawyers

California law states that all drivers of motor vehicles must take deliberate steps to avoid causing injuries to other road users including motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and others. Whether it be in the proper maintenance of a vehicle or failing to yield at a stop sign, determining liability in auto accidents usually comes down to the negligent acts of parties. In other words, the action or inaction on the driver’s part. Continue reading

Seeking Legal Aid for Personal Injury That’s Partially Your Fault

san jose car accident lawyers

Car accidents can be traumatic, especially if you sustain serious injuries, have expensive medical bills and are facing lengthy recovery periods. Most people know that they have the right to seek personal injury compensation if the accident was not their fault. However, a victim who is at least partially at blame for an accident can be reluctant to seek legal respite. Continue reading