Motorcycle Accidents San Jose Bay Area Santa Clara County

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    Motorcycle Accidents

    Little represents more freedom on the road than riding a motorcycle; looking for adventure and whatever comes your way. However, an accident can curtail the enjoyment of motorcycle riding quickly. Motorcycle accidents are just as common as automobile accidents and are often caused by negligent drivers. Such accidents affect your livelihood and quality of life. It is a simple matter of physics: motorcycles are smaller and unprotected and thus face greater danger in an accident. The San Jose motorcycle accident attorneys at Farling, Hecht & Davis, LLP can help in the event you are involved in a motorcycle accident.

    Motorcycle accidents occur as a result of a variety of factors, most of which include failure to yield at an intersection, inattentive drivers, hazardous road conditions, lane-splitting, or lane encroachment. When you ride a motorcycle you are more aware of the dangers associated. You understand how some car and truck drivers frequently fail to pay attention. There is a saying in the motorcycle world that is “loud exhaust saves lives.”

    Call our office today at 408.295.6100.

    Injuries Caused By Motorcycle Accidents

    Motorcyclists are more likely to suffer injuries in accident than other motorists. In fact, it is nearly guaranteed. In a collision between a motorcycle and a car, it is the motorcycle rider who comes out worse. The following types of injuries are common among victims of motorcycle accidents:

    • Brain damage
    • Back injuries
    • Neck injuries
    • Bone fractures
    • Muscle damage
    • Nerve damage
    • Paralysis
    • Road rash
    • Bikers arm
    • Leg injuries
    • Neurological disorders
    • Amputation
    • Brain injury
    • Fatality

    In addition to serious injuries, motorcycle accidents can result in fatalities. If you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, we can help you hold the responsible party accountable for your loss. Farling, Hecht and Davis, LLP has an excellent record of verdicts and settlements in cases involving wrongful death.

    San Jose Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

    The San Jose motorcycle accident attorneys at Farling, Hecht & Davis, LLP have extensive experience analyzing accidents step by step to determine who can, at a minimum, be held at least partially responsible. We carefully document every aspect of the case to pursue fair compensation from negligent party and their insurance company. Juries also have a bias against motorcycles and their riders that complicates the process of proving who was at fault. Please contact one of our dedicated San Jose motorcycle accident attorneys at 408.295.6100 for a free consultation to discuss your claim.

    Serving clients in San Jose, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Campbell, Fremont, Milpitas and surrounding Bay Area cities.